2015年8月25日 星期二

Performance Tests

Memory bandwidth:
1. Get source code from: https://www.cs.virginia.edu/stream/FTP/Code/
2. Refer to source code stream.c, On multiprocessor test, Use"gcc -O -fopenmp stream.c -o stream_omp" to compiler it
3. set OMP_NUM_THREADS to the number of threads you want to run. Ex. "export OMP_NUM_THREADS=12"

4. Run command "./stream_omp"
(The first run result should be ignored, refer from rc25482_performance report.pdf)

Memory Random Access, Random Access
1. The source code is under: http://icl.cs.utk.edu/hpcc/software/index.html
(But I don't know how to compiler it)

Block-IO test, fio
 1. Get latest fio from https://github.com/axboe/fio
2. unzip and "./configuration", "make", "make install" to compile and install it.
3. run "fio xxxx.fio"

Network Bandwidth, nuttcp
1. Get the source code from: http://www.nuttcp.net/Welcome%20Page.html
2. Use "gcc -O nuttcp.c -o nuttcp" to compile it
3. Run "./nuttcp -S" on receiver , and run "./nuttcp [recevier ip]" on SUT

Network performance/latency, netperf
1. Get source code from: http://www.netperf.org/netperf/
2. unzip and "./configuration", "make", "make install" to compile and install it.
3. Run "netserver" on receiver (Server)
4. Run "netperf XXX" on SUT
Test TCP Stream Throughput:
#netperf  -t  TCP_STREAM  -l  60  -H  -c  --  -s  128k  -S  128K

Test UDP Stream Throught:
#netperf  -t  UDP_STREAM  -l  60  -H  -c  --  -s  128k  -S  128K

Test TCP Request/Response in 1 byte
#netperf  -t  TCP_RR  -l  300  -H  -c

Test TCP Request/Response in 32/1024 byte
#netperf  -t  TCP_RR  -l  300  -H  -c  --  -r  32/1024

Test TCP Connect/Request/Response in 1 byte:
#netperf  -t  TCP_CRR  -l  300  -H  -c

Test TCP Connect/Request/Response in 32/1024 byte
#netperf  -t  TCP_CRR  -l  300  -H  -c  --  -r  32/1024

